6 Band Squat Setups
There are 6 Band Squat Setups you can use to strength train the bilateral squat movement. Each of these 6 setups has it own advantages and disadvantages when it comes to strengthening the squat motion.
There are 6 Band Squat Setups you can use to strength train the bilateral squat movement. Each of these 6 setups has it own advantages and disadvantages when it comes to strengthening the squat motion.
The Figure 8 Tabata Cone Workout requires minimal space and was one of the first RBT Workouts created to maintain foot agility while training the body to stay dynamically balanced at all times.
The Boulder Shoulder Workout has not only been an RBT staple shoulder building workout, it has also allowed 1000’s of people with nagging shoulder pain, due to long term weight lifting, to regain complete pain free shoulder functional strength.
Perform these 10 band set-ups using the Travel Fit Kit and Gym-to-Go Band Package so you can knockout endless workouts every time you travel.
For active aging adults, who love to workout with weights, contrast band training is the easiest and most joint friendly way to keep weight lifting into your weekly workout routine without beating up and aging your body.
Resistance Band Training is perfect for senior fitness enthusiasts for several reasons. However, without a proven Senior Band Training Blueprint to follow, it’s difficult to develop early training success.
This Squat Workout will hit every plane and multiple force vector to ensure you eliminate injuries caused by muscle imbalance.
Because gravity creates wear and tear on our joints, attached band leg strengthening exercises are a great option for long-term fitness success.
The abs are not designed to be movers of the lower back. So stop with the crunches, sit-ups, and leg raises. Implement this Ab Stabilization Workout.
Band shoulder press exercises are joint friendly and provide several other added benefits that traditional free weight shoulder press exercises can’t.