Stop trying to piece together
your band workouts
Get Unlimited Access To the Only Time-Tested, Online Band Training and Personal Coaching System from the World’s Leading Band Training Expert
Meet Your Coach - Dave Schmitz
Founder of The Band Gym
Physical Therapy Tested Joint Friendly
Workouts for Anybody, Anytime, Anywhere
are Waiting for You.
Did you know?
Here is what you get INSTANTLY
as an “All Access” Band Gym Member
Personalized coaching and direct access to Coach Dave Monday through Friday
The Band Gym contact page goes directly to DaveThe Band Gym Daily Workout and Monthly Workout Plan (New Every Month)
Don’t have time to plan a workout?? We have you covered with the Daily Band Gym Workout and Monthly Workout Plan that follows a fun theme. Plus each month brings in a Bonus Challenge for those that want a little extra push.
A Done-For-YOU 3 Month Beginner Band Training Program starting with the 28 Day RBT Challenge to get you off and running in the Gym
This is followed by the 28 Day Momentum Builder and the 4 Week JumpSTART program
The Band Gym Coaching Education Library
This is where I help YOU build a better YOU by taking a deeper dive into addressing injuries, training and programming issues with extensive video based educational training. Topics include:
- Building Healthy Shoulders
- Improving Flexibility and Mobility in Every Workout
- Bullet Proofing Your Low Back
- Building Effective – Time Efficient Workouts
- Eliminating Nagging Knee Pain
- Better Hip Mobility – Why and How
- Automating Your Workouts with the Seconds Pro App

Growing Workout Library that Includes:
- 20 – Crunch 20 Minute Follow Along Workouts
- 45-Minute On-Demand Follow Along with Dave Total Body Workout
- 40+ Body and Movement Specific Instructional Workouts

Your Weekly (Members Only) Band Gym Insider Coaching Report
Each week I take time to breakdown a Band Gym Workout or Training Technique with a more detailed coaching video before covering a recent Band Gym member question.
Special Band Gym Training Guides that Include:
- The Band Gym Travel Guide
- The Dynamic Stabilizer Guide
- Your 4-G Finisher Guide
- How to Build Your Own Home Band Gym
- The Thunder-Band Training Guide

Download The Band Gym App
The Free Band Gym App is the final step to having everything you need to workout Anytime-Anywhere as an All Access Band Gym Member.

Take a Virtual Tour of The Band Gym
150+ Growing Exercise Vault
50+ Band Gym Setup Videos
30+ Band Gym Articles written by Dave
40+ Short Band Gym Minute Educational and Training videos
Band Gym Equipment Recommendation List
Only a Guy who has studied, trained and dedicated over 20 years of his professional career to getting 1000’s of people all over the world better with bands, could provide you this unique fitness game changing virtual gym experience.
You’re probably a GREAT FIT for The Band Gym if...
- You don’t want to feel obligated or rely on having to go to the local gym
- You’re tired of hurting for several days following a weight lifting workout
- You have stopped working out because you can’t lift the amount of weight you use to
- You want to start training with bands but are unsure where to start
- You’re tired of starting and stopping workout routines due to injury or pain
- You’re scared to lift weights but really want to get stronger and create better muscle definition in your arms, legs, back and shoulders
- You struggle following a workout routine do to a hectic family, work and travel schedule
- You’re bored with traditional free weight dominate lifting programs
YES! Dave, I want you to be my coach for $199/year (only $0.54/day) knowing that in 30 days if I am not completely blown away with The Band Gym workouts, programs, coaching, education, and customer service, I can ask for a full 100% return of my membership fee.

What are
existing members saying?

Thank you again for taking time to learn more about The Band Gym and how together we can help you look, feel, and move your best training with resistance bands.
I look forward to meeting and working with you very soon in The Band Gym.
Coach Dave Schmitz