Band First Step Acceleration Workout
In this video Dave walks you through the Band First Step Acceleration Workout.
In this video Dave walks you through the Band First Step Acceleration Workout.
The low back is positioned between the hips and mid-back. Understanding this anatomical position and how it relates to developing effective low back training strategies and programs is the key to keeping the most frequently injured region of the body feeling and moving great. Learn 5 Low Back Training Strategies using bands.
Winter Olympic athletes require tremendous lower body and core strength. Most winter Olympic athletes do not have access to training facilities. Fortunately, RBT can provide the needed resistance and adaptability to handle any movement or force vector needed.
In this video Dave walks you through the Alternating Push – Pull Workout.
Following a regular warm-up workout can allow you to work on cleaning up areas of stabilization weakness, muscle inflexibility and joint immobility.
As an active aging fitness enthusiast who enjoys challenging workouts on a regular basis, I have learned how to watch for key indications that my body is getting beat up versus getting better.
After 22 years of treating physical therapy patients and 30 years of working with adult fitness enthusiasts, it has become very clear to me what you need to do within your workout routine to eliminate nagging joint pain and muscle stiffness.
As we age our body’s muscle lining gets tighter. It will require consistent, not necessarily aggressive, leg training to keep this layer of soft tissue pliable. Learn how with Dave.