Spartacus Workout 2 – 2019 & 2009
Spartacus Workout 2 applies the same 3 in 1 progression as the first workout while using more attached versus attachment free band setups.
Spartacus Workout 2 applies the same 3 in 1 progression as the first workout while using more attached versus attachment free band setups.
Spartacus Band Workouts were designed in 2009, to demonstrate how easy it was to increase exercise progression following RBT.
The best way to keep weight lifting a part of your weekly workout is to use bands with weights. In this article, Dave covers 18 examples.
Perform these 10 band set-ups using the Travel Fit Kit and Gym-to-Go Band Package so you can knockout endless workouts every time you travel.
This Upper Body Strength Workout is perfect when time is in demand and when you need a workout that hits both strength and metabolic conditioning.
Thunder Band Workout Finisher will allow you to hit the entire body in 6 minutes. However, if you want more, here are two other ways to set up this workout.
Wondering what to do after you’ve purchased your Quantum Bands Package? Here are 6 steps to getting started with resistance band training.
No time for 2-hour bodybuilding workouts that beat up your body? Start training any specific body part or movement pattern using Express Band Complex Workouts.
For active aging adults, who love to workout with weights, contrast band training is the easiest and most joint friendly way to keep weight lifting into your weekly workout routine without beating up and aging your body.
Resistance Band Training is perfect for senior fitness enthusiasts for several reasons. However, without a proven Senior Band Training Blueprint to follow, it’s difficult to develop early training success.