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Band Training Goes Way Beyond Just Getting Stronger

One of the biggest reasons I love training with flat bands is that they allow me to exercise the body in so many ways. They also create unique functional responses that I can’t get training with any other resistance tool. It is these unique responses that led to me functionally staying 10 years younger. Learn about these unique band training concepts.

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5 Fitness Travel Items You Should Have

It’s difficult to stay on a routine when you travel, and this is especially the case when it comes to getting in your workouts. However, having these 5 fitness travel items on every trip makes getting in great workouts (that replicate your at home workouts) automatic.

3 Places to Workout That’s Not a Gym

One of the best ways to stay motivated about your weekly workouts is to change up where you workout. However, this requires having a plan and the right equipment. Resistance bands make working out anywhere possible. Here are 3 places to workout that do not include having to go to a gym. Learn where and how today.