4 Easy Contrast Band Training Setups
Start learning how to combine “constant free weight resistance” with “variable band resistance” and begin feeling the impact “Contrast Training” has on your body.
Start learning how to combine “constant free weight resistance” with “variable band resistance” and begin feeling the impact “Contrast Training” has on your body.
Using attached band training is something we all need to be using in our workouts regularly.
For active aging adults, who love to workout with weights, contrast band training is the easiest and most joint friendly way to keep weight lifting into your weekly workout routine without beating up and aging your body.
Contrast training using gravity dominated resistance with band resistance is one of the best ways to make traditional barbell strength training more joint friendly and ultimately better for the active aging guys.
As an active aging fitness enthusiast who enjoys challenging workouts on a regular basis, I have learned how to watch for key indications that my body is getting beat up versus getting better.