Ways to Use Bands in the Off-Season
Resistance bands are a must as an off-season strength training tool. Learn more ways to use them.
Resistance bands are a must as an off-season strength training tool. Learn more ways to use them.
Stretching, warm-up, strength training, cardio training or the cool down are all components of an exercise program that can be accomplished by implementing resistance bands. The following videos will show you how.
One of the most common questions we get, is “what exercises can I do with bands?” If you are new to bands, here are the 12 exercises we recommend getting started with first.
If you understand how the body ages and what physical changes will occur with age, it becomes very apparent that following a traditional strength training approach is not going to help address most of these age-driven changes. Learn what will and how to implement it today.
Ab muscles are the ones that we all want, but very few have. In this article we look at some of the issues with ab training, and 3 ways to make your ab training better.
When the weather stinks outside, don’t worry because resistance bands easily bring outdoor training indoors. Check out these indoor training ideas.
3 facts about strength training and why age is not an excuse to stop getting stronger.
Life can get busy and often is the #1 excuse when it comes to not exercising. Learn 10 reasons why resistance band training has made at home workout routines completely unlimited when it comes to keeping your body in great shape.
95% of all human beings will suffer a low back injury and of that 50% will require professional medical attention. Avoid hurting your back by bringing in 1 simple thing into your exercise program.
Improving Flexibility with 1 Band comes down to 3 Components of training: How You Stretch, How You Exercise and How You Recover.