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Band Finisher Workouts

Building 3D Muscle Definition

3 dimensional strength training is the best way to develop muscle definition and keep you functionally fit to do what you enjoy doing. The key is finding a resistance training tool that allows you to train in multiple directions while using multiple speeds and force vectors. Learn how to build 3-D muscle strength, definition and stay functionally fit today.

Super charged band training

Supercharged Band Training Approach

Just in case you didn’t know, your muscles are dumb. They do not think. They simply react and adapt, but they adapt really well, especially when it comes to changes in exercise speed, direction or the type of resistance. Supercharged band training is one way to blow through plateaus by incorporating an ascending vs. constant resistance.

Ab Training that’s Fun and Works

Do you like to train your abs or are you like most people and put them off to the end of your workout?? Don’t put ab training off to the end. I have 3 ways to train your abs during your workout that will train them the way they were meant to be trained. Plus, it will be a lot more fun.

Runner - training athletically

Training Athletically Shouldn’t Scare You

The key to getting more athletic comes down to following a 3-part training approach that when implemented guarantees anyone can get more athletic no matter their athletic history. Don’t be afraid to start training athletically…it’s fun and the best way to workout.