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Thunder Band Workout Finisher

Thunder Band Workout Finisher
Thunder Band Workout Finisher will allow you to hit the entire body in 6 minutes. However, if you want more, here are two other ways to set up this workout.

This Thunder Band Workout Finisher will allow you to hit the entire body in 6 minutes.

However, if you want more than a 6-minute workout, I will provide you with two other ways to set up this workout.

Thunder Band Workout Finisher Suggestions

  1. Follow along with me 20-seconds on / 10-seconds rest for 12 exercises (That is 1 round)
  2. Perform this 12 exercise sequence 3 times with a 1-minute rest between rounds (20-min workout)
  3. Perform each movement for 4 continuous sets before moving to the next exercise (24-min workout)

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Thunder Band Workout Finisher

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