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Getting Started Training with Bands

For many first-time band training fitness enthusiasts, where to get started can be a little intimidating, which is why I suggest starting with single attachment free band training. It’s the easiest way to start training with bands and requires the smallest learning curve. Learn How.

Getting Started with Band Training

Video 5 0 02 06-06-2I know it’s a simple band, but that doesn’t necessarily make it simple to learn where to start with band training.

For many first-time band training fitness enthusiasts, where to get started can be a little intimidating which is why I suggest starting with single attachment free band training.

It’s the easiest way for those getting started training with bands and requires the smallest learning curve.

Single Band Attachment Free Approach

Here is a step-by-step plan on how to start training using the single band attachment free approach.

Step One: Purchase quality looped bands

The best quality looped band is a layered band vs. a molded band. Layered is 300x more durable and will therefore last a very long time. Obviously I am biased towards Quantum Bands because not only are they layered but we use a manufacturing process called latex bonding that increases the bonding between layers.

We also do what is called latex welding. This involves welding down the final layer of the band to prevent it from peeling. It requires and extra step, but it prevents the top layer from peeling back.

Step Two: Don’t purchase just one single level of band resistance

You would never train with just one dumbbell and the same is true for resistance bands. You need at least 4 different levels of resistance to be able to optimally challenge the muscles.

In most cases, a beginner should choose the 4 least resistance levels of bands, which in our case is the Orange – Red – Black – Purple. Having these 4 levels of bands will allow you to have enough resistance to perform any attachment free single band exercise.

Step Three: Learn the best single band exercises first

By instructing 1,000’s of single band workouts with all different fitness levels, I have found that there are 12 exercises you should master first. See below.

Step Four: Use the best workout interval when first starting to train

When choosing a workout interval to follow, it is important to make sure you have enough time to transition from one exercise to the next. As a result, I recommend starting out with 30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of rest.

Choose two exercises and alternate back and forth for 4 sets of each exercise. Take a 2-minute rest and choose two different exercises to repeat the same sequence. As your fitness level improves and your transitions become seamless, you can decrease to 15 seconds of rest but this will definitely increase the work effort.

Work set time 30 seconds Rest between sets 30 seconds # Exercises/Round 2 Total sets per round Rest between rounds 60 seconds

A Round = Total sets of both exercises

This video should help you understand how this program works.


Following these 4 simple steps will allow you to quickly and safely start implementing attachment free single band training. In most cases, you will have the exercises mastered in 4 or 5 training sessions. After that it’s just a matter of increasing your effort by changing up speed, increasing resistance, or decreasing rest between sets to create better results.

The awesome benefit of training with a few single bands using the attachment free approach is that you now have the ability to train anywhere, with any movement, and with a large amount of resistance options. It truly makes fitness without limits a real possibility.

Best Quantum Single Band Packages

Small Single Band Packagesmallsingleband

Medium Single Band PackageMed single band

Large Single Band PackageLg Single band

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