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Band Workouts for Dads – Part 2

workouts dads need
In Part 2, we start bringing in more movements that very few dads are doing. Get ready to get non-traditional.

Dads, get long and strong by stretching and strengthening.

In Part 2 of the 21 Band Workouts for Dads series I start bringing in some rotational planes, a little jumping and some off-set loading that gets the core cranked up.

The key to many of these movements is making sure you let the band pull you into or out of the movement to get the abs activating and your hips stretching. This is something very few individuals pay attention to when implementing RBT.

However, for those that do, they get long and strong by stretching and strengthening at the same time on every rep.

Use the following guide to set you Work interval, Rest interval and Sets

Beginner:  30-sec of work followed by 30-sec of rest x 6 sets of each exercise

Intermediate: 40-sec of work followed by 20-sec of rest x 6 sets of each exercise

Advanced: 50-sec of work followed by 10-sec of rest x 6 sets of each exercise

Band Workouts for Dads:  Workouts #8 -15

  1. Spiderman Push Up – Bent Over Rows
  2. Mountain Climbers – Halos
  3. Ground Zero Swings – Frog Jumps
  4. Alternating Chest Press – Alternating Rows
  5. Resisted Push Up – Seated Rows
  6. Rotational Chest Press Right – Left
  7. Rotational Pull Right – Left
  8. Simultaneous Push – Pull

Remember…each of these workouts consist of alternating between 2 exercises. You pick the work interval, rest interval and number of sets of each exercise.

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