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After training 1000’s of moms over the years, I think I have figured out where you are going to have the most success with Resistance Band Training (RBT). Moms do best with attached band training and implementing 13” Dynamic Stabilizer Training.

Getting Started with RBT

After training 1000’s of moms over the years, I think I have figured out where, as a mom, you are going to have the most success getting started with Resistance Band Training (RBT).

When training moms I find they do best with attached band training (vs attachment free) and have fun training with the  13” Dynamic Stabilizer Band .  Both of these forms of RBT automatically engage abs and hips more effectively which are very often weak areas for most moms.

Free weights and single band training primarily apply a force to the body that is up and down (vertical) whereas attached training and dynamic stabilizer training create sideways (horizontal) forces.  This is proven to activate the trunk muscles better as well as being more joint friendly. Plus it gets mom’s training on their feet.

Training on your feet allows you to create stability from the ground up so both hips and trunk (or core) muscles are automatically engaged at the same time. Lying or sitting exercises don’t accomplish that. Standing also creates better activation of the muscles being exercised.  For example… a standing row gets the butt kicking in much better than a seated row.  With better trunk activation and primary muscle recruitment, things like balance, coordination and strength are also going to improve.

Lastly, I found that using time-based, not rep-based, sets are better at getting strength results and increasing intensity. Timed-based sets allow you to focus on effort and movement quality versus having to focus on counting reps. As a result, they get better strength training results due to better intensity and muscle recruitment.  This has been proven over and over again in my local adult fitness camp (est 2000) that is attended by 70% moms.

15 RBT Exercises for Moms

Applying these finding, I have determined that these 15 exercises should be mastered first and are the best for moms who are new to RBT.

  1. Split Stance Chest Press
  2. Split Stance Row
  3. Split Stance Press
  4. Pull a Part
  5. Split Stance Bicep Curl
  6. Split Stance Triceps Press
  7. Single Arm Row
  8. Single Arm Chest Press
  9. Dynamic Stabilizer Squat
  10. Dynamic Stabilizer Side Step
  11. Attached Split Squat
  12. Lateral Step Lunge
  13. Plank
  14. Mt Climber
  15. Dynamic Stabilizer Reach

Best Band Training Packages for Moms

    Low Strength Level

Starter Fitness Package - moms

13″ Green Dynamic Stabilizer Band


   Average to Above Average Strength Level

Economy Fitness Package - moms

Green Dynamic Stabilizer - moms
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