What Resistance Band Training Does that Traditional Lifting Weights Can’t when it comes to Making 50 Your New 30
Looking Good is Going to Require First Getting Your Joints Feeling and Moving Better
Let me explain:
6 Things Bands do that Weights can’t when it comes to keeping your body moving and feeling great regardless of age
Keeping You Mobile and Flexible
As the body ages, tendons, muscles and ligaments lose water and as result become less pliable. However when you implement a band stretching program into your weekly exercise routine, it allows you to maintain and improve on joint mobility and muscle flexibility. A band pliability and construction is similar to a muscle and therefore easily allows you stretch muscles and joints in all direction. A Free weights cannot be used as a stretching tool since it can only work in a single plane or direction.
Decreasing Exercise Induced Soreness
Lifting weight is going to result in joint and muscle trauma due to use of a constant resistance or force being applied to the muscle. Repeatedly performing this over several years will lead to joints breaking down. Apply a band’s accommodating ascending resistance is less traumatic on muscles and joints which over years allows individuals to exercise more often without the concern of added wear and tear on their joints.
Convenience + Consistent = Great Workouts
Consistency is the key to getting great results with an exercise program. Knowing lack of time is the #1 reason people skip workouts it is important to have a convenient workout solution. Band’s light weight portability and unlimited resistance allows individuals to train anywhere, anytime thus eliminating the lack of time excuse. Free weight are not portable and do not provide nearly the exercises versatility of resistance bands.
Improve Movement Coordination
As the body ages and life becomes more sedentary, the bodies agility and coordination decrease. As a result our exercise program needs to focus helping maintain movement coordination and agility. Bands not only allow individuals to push, pull, press, squat and lunge but they also allow us to work on more coordinated movements of run, jump, swing, throw and jumping. Once again free weight are not able to simulate these movements.
Keep Body 3-D Strong
The body’s muscles and joints are designed to move in 3 distinct planes or patterns. A band’s non-gravity dependent lightweight construction, allows them to exercise joints and muscles in every pattern in any posture or position. Weights are gravity dependent and therefore allow individuals to exercise in only a single plane or pattern. The best performing muscle is a muscle that is strong in all 3 planes and patterns of movement.
Works on speed of movement
The faster the body’s muscles respond the more likely it can remain in balance and avoid awkward movements or falls that lead to injury. A band’s accommodating resistance allows muscles to train at different speeds thus allowing it to keep muscle response time fast. Faster responding muscle will, in turn, allow the body to successfully deal with awkward unexpected movements when they occur. Lifting weights is traditionally performed using slow movement patterns that are not conducive to improving movement speed or response time.
Next Steps
Thank you for taking the time to learn what resistance band training can do that lifting weights cannot. Lifting weights has its place in helping the body stay strong but how the body performs regardless of age, is not only dependent on strength. There are several other factors addressed in this article that significantly impact ultimately how our body will perform on a day to day basis. Implementing resistance band training into a weekly exercise program will impact those factors more effectively and as a result needs to be part of all exercise programs if the goal is to keep the body looking, feeling and moving great.