Get Proven Time-Tested Resistance Band Training & Coaching Every Week - for FREE!!

Launched in 2009.. The RBT LIVE Newsletter is the longest On-going Training and Coaching Email Newsletter Exclusively Devoted to Resistance Band Training

Sign up TODAY for the FREE RBT LIVE Newsletter and get instant access to:
- Weekly Band Gym Workouts
- A Weekly Band Training Coaching Session
- Quick Band Gym Minute Video Training Tips
- Early Bird Notifications on all RBT Weekly Sales and Special Offers
- Direct Email Access to Dave Schmitz, Owner of - he really answers his own emails!
The RBT LIVE NEWSLETTER is The Fastest and Most Convenient Way for YOU to Start Learning How to GET BETTER Training with Resistance Bands The Right Way, at Zero Cost and Zero Risk
Plus as a “First Time” subscriber you get to choose ONE ADDITIONAL FREE RBT Bonus:
Consistency is the key to experiencing the compounding benefits of following a sustainable weekly exercise program that focuses on training the body the way it was designed to work. Unfortunately work, family and life can often unexpectedly get in the way of your workout time. No Worries….. Resistance band Training (RBT) is the most convenient joint friendly workout solution available that allows you to get in your workout Anytime-Anywhere while training all aspects of fitness.
Stop struggling to get in your workouts at the local gym. Let’s get YOU setup up with your Own Home Band Gym on any budget and keep you on track with your fitness journey regardless what life throws at you.
I Look forward to helping you get setup with RBT