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Core-Legs-Shoulders Follow Along Workout

Core-Legs-Shoulders Follow Along Workout
In this video Dave walks you through the Core-Legs-Shoulders Follow Along Workout.

About the Core-Legs-Shoulders Follow Along Workout

The Core-Legs-Shoulders Follow Along Workout is one of the easiest workouts when it comes to the design. However, it can be one of the most challenging workouts if you are willing to push the resistance and volume.

Another reason it is a great workout is it provides tons of versatility. This band workout can be used for Strength by going with heavier resistance, Fat Loss by going with a higher number of reps or Power by building speed-related exercises.

Training Recommendations

Program Design

Start with a 15-second work interval followed by a 5-second rest interval x 8 sets of the same exercise. Rest 1 minute after the first exercise and repeat the same sequence with a second and third exercise.


  1. Resisted Plank
  2. Front Squat
  3. Push Press

Products Needed for This Workout


Medium Single Band Package - Core-Legs-Shoulders Follow Along Workout

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