About the Single Band Fat Burning Workout
To create an effective fat burning interval strength workout you have to have intensity, volume and the ability to keep the primary working muscle under tension for an extended period of time.
This Single Band Fat Burning Workout does exactly that. All you have to do is make sure you are not working with too light of a resistance. To make sure that is not happening, your rep per set goal should be between 6 to 10 reps per set.
Training Recommendations
Do not alternate through exercises. Perform each exercise for 8 repeated sets by exercising for 15 seconds – rest for 5 seconds and repeat that 7 more times for a total of 8 working sets. Rest 1 minute and move to the next exercise.
- High Pull
- Push Press
- Front Squat
- Plank
- Seated Row
- Push Up Variation
- Overhead Lateral Hops
- Mt Climbers