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Muscle Building with Bands – Get your Pump On

Seated Row
Bands are one of the best ways to saturate a muscle with blood which is important when it comes to building muscle. Why do bands allow you to get your Pump On?? Learn why and how.

Muscle Building with Bands

Creating the PUMP

RBT Band TrainingLet’s face it…anyone that resistance trains likes to feel the muscles burning because that means you are filling the muscle up with blood and the PUMP is ON.

For those that body build or train to get better muscle definition, it is often the goal of most workouts and how you judge success.

To get this effect it requires the muscle to have to maximally contract throughout the movement but mostly through the final 30% of the movement.

Bands are perfect to create this because of their ascending resistance which makes the muscle work harder as the muscle contracts. As a result, you can easily create that strong isometric contraction at the end of the range of motion when the muscle is fully contracted.

Holding and mentally focusing on squeezing out at the end of the movement will maximally squeeze the blood out of the muscle which means a rush of blood coming back into the muscle when the contraction is released. This also increases muscle recruitment and muscle memory which only enhances the neuromuscular training process.

Tabata Overload Programming

The Tabata Overload uses the traditional 20-10 intervals but instead of switching exercises, you perform 6 straight sets of the same exercise. Not only will this maximize blood flow but it will reinforce muscle memory and muscle recruitment.

For many fitness clients it takes a few sets to get them working hard. Tabata Overload anticipates that and, as a result, is fail proof when it comes to maximizing muscle blood saturation.

Creating the PUMP

Here are 4 examples of creating the PUMP using a muscle building with bands approach.

  1. Seated rows
  2. Assisted hold push up variations
  3. Tricep extensions
  4. Supine attachment free hammer curls

When implementing a muscle building with bands Tabata Overload approach, this simple isometric squeeze can be implemented with every upper body exercise, especially with attached band training.


YOUR Muscle Building with Bands 28 Day Training

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