The Quantum Band Difference


Quantum bands are manufactured at the highest quality standard using 100% latex (No pencil eraser filler) . They are manufactured in layers using a “Latex Bonding” process similar to how a car tire is constructed. This continuous layering process substantially increases the strength, elasticity, and durability of the band by creating a matrix like construction similar to a burlap bag but with the ability to remain extremely pliable.  This matrix construction also  prevents the band from thinning out with repeated use which is seen when training with cheaper manufactured  molded or dip layered bands.   Flat layered continuous closed looped bands, like the Quantum Band, is approximately 30% more expensive to manufacture than a flat molded band which is why layered bands are typically more expensive and require a longer manufacturing lead time.  However when considering a Quantum Band is 400 times more durable and has a training life expectancy of approximately 3 years, depending on use, it becomes well worth the cost versus having to replace bands on a monthly basis do to frequent breakage.

Another key difference between molded and layered bands is the tension training consistency (TTC).   TTC refers to the smooth consist increase of resistance a band should demonstrate as a greater stretch is being applied to the band during exercise.  Molded bands are created by pouring liquid latex into a mold and allowing time to harden.   Simple process but it is very difficult to maintain liquid chemical consistency using this process which leads to high tension areas in the band.  These high tension areas create abrupt changes in resistance during training which  in turn leads to a “jerking’ on joints and muscles.  These high tension areas are also what lead to frequent breakage.   Since layered  bands are constructed using a actual layering process where thin layers of latex are consistently adhered to each other, high tension areas are avoided and as result the band demonstrates a smooth tension training consistency.

Unfortunately, from a consumer’s standpoint it is difficult to determine what is a high quality continuous closed looped resistance band.  There are many choices when it comes to elastic resistance training tools which are unfortunately all referred to as “resistance bands”.  However, the quality and characteristics of the different band variations vary dramatically. (see chart below).

The Quantum Band Difference


Progressive Ascending Variable Resistance

When you strength train with a free weight (gravity dependent) training tool like a dumbbell – kettlebell – barbell or sandbag,  you’re training against a “Constant Resistance” that remains the same throughout the movement and range of motion. With resistance bands, you’re training against an “Ascending Variable Resistance”  that progressively increases the further you stretch the band into the concentric ( or work) phase of an exercise. This is why all Quantum bands are listed as having a variable resistance range, instead of a set resistance. Please refer to our band chart to see the estimated resistances variance of each Quantum band.


As a fitness enthusiasts, especially those 40+, there are several advantages to strength training with an “Ascending Variable Resistance” as compared to training with a gravity dominated “Constant” Free Weight Resistance.    These are discussed further in Part 2 of the Series “Resistance Band Training vs. Lifting Weights” which you can find links to below.

Resistance Band Training vs. Lifting Weights – Part I

Resistance Band Training vs. Lifting Weights – Part II


Quantum Quality Customer Guaranteed

I wish I could say a Quantum Band never breaks but since it is not an iron constructed dumbbell or kettlebell, it is possible.    However since launching the Quantum Band in 2005,  99% of band breakage is a result of 3 scenarios that are all user error.

1.  Bands are attached to sharp edges that cut the band

2.  Bands are repeatedly over stretched during training which tethers the band and ultimately leads to a jagged tearing of          the band.

3. The band is shredded by grinding it against an abrasive surface like the floor when doing attachment free training.

All of these scenarios are easily avoidable with proper teaching and coaching is provided which is the #1  mission of Resistance Band Training Systems. We don’t just sell you a band, we teach  you how to train safely and efficient so get better with bands.   However, regardless how much we educate, training mistakes can happen and we realize this is part of the learning process of training with bands.   This is why we created the Quantum Quality Customer Guarantee. If your band breaks for whatever reason, email us a picture of the broken band at This helps us identify why the band broke and that it is truly a Quantum Band. If it’s a first-time incident and the band has not surpassed our Standard 1 Year Manufacturer Warranty, we will replace the band along with, more importantly, providing you with recommendations on how to prevent future breakages.   

We want to keep you safe and getting better with bands for a lifetime of training.

I look forward to working with you in bringing the Quantum Band Difference into your workouts


Let’s Get Better With Bands

Dave Schmitz