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Figure 8 Tabata Cone Workout – 2019 & 2009

figure 8 tabata cone workout
The Figure 8 Tabata Cone Workout requires minimal space and was one of the first RBT Workouts created to maintain foot agility while training the body to stay dynamically balanced at all times.

Don’t let Father Time take away 2 important elements of functional fitness agility and dynamic balance. Try the Figure 8 Tabata Cone Workout.

As an active adult, working on agility and dynamic balance is important, knowing Father Time is trying to take that away from you. Resistance band training is one of the best ways to work on foot agility while training the body to stay dynamically balanced in standing at all times.

The Figure 8 Tabata Cone Workout requires minimal space and was one of the first RBT Workouts I created to work on those 2 elements of functional fitness while creating a fun way to burn fat.

Workout Details

This specific workout requires you to alternate through 4 exercises. These 4 exercises will have you moving in all 3 planes of motion for 20-seconds of work followed by 10-seconds of rest while you switch directions.

Cycle through all 4 exercises 5 times for a 20-minute workout. Scale your band resistance (remember to go with a lower resistance until you have balance, rhythm and coordination going well). If you want to bump up the work output, take the intervals up to 30-seconds on and 15-seconds rest.

Fig. 8 Cone Workout 2019

Fig. 8 Cone Workout 2009

Learn how to train all aspects of Functional Fitness

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Band Gym - Figure 8 Tabata Cone Workout


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