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How to Develop Usable Abs – 3 Part Training Series

External Oblique - Usable abs
It doesn’t matter what gym it is, you see people lying on their back doing 100’s of sit-ups, crunches, trunk twists and these goofy windshield wiper things. Here are 5 reasons why you should never do sit-ups, crunches and trunk twists again.

As a guy who goes to a gym pretty regularly, some things never change.

It doesn’t matter what gym it is. You see people lying on their backs performing 100’s of sit-ups, crunches, trunk twists, and goofy windshield wipers.


They don’t create usable abs. Also, they’ve been proven to age your body, specifically your lower back.

5 Reasons Why You Should Never Do Sit-Ups, Crunches, and Trunk Twists Again

1. Sit-ups and crunches increase low back stress by 300x or more

No situp - usable absIt has been found that sit-ups place over 3,000 newtons of force on the lower spine, specifically the disc. Every rep causes the cartilage in the disc to stretch abnormally.

Repeating this stretching force onto the disc cartilage over and over 100’s of times a week is going to ultimately wear out and weaken the disc.

This will lead to possible disc herniation, which is the #1 injury to the lower back.

2. The spine, specifically the low back, has a shelf life

The spine will only be able to flex forward, bend sideways, and rotate back and forth so many times in your life. Don’t use up movements performing actions like sit-ups, crunches, and twists. These movements create avoidable stress and will lead to early aging of the lower spine and cervical spine.

3. Crunches reinforce bad posture

Left arrow - usable absPlace yourself in a chair and slump over. Is that the posture you want??

I doubt it.

However, that is exactly what crunches and sit-ups replicate.

Forward head, rounded shoulders, flexed low back with no butt activation. Seriously, you don’t want to help father time accelerate these postures.


4. Crunches and sit-ups are artificial movements that our body doesn’t recognize as normal movements

Yes, it contracts your abs (specifically the rectus abdominus). However, once you stop, it won’t remember or use the abs like that in real life. The abs are designed to dynamically stabilize the low back or decelerate it from moving beyond its functional range of motion limits.

Sit-ups force your abs to contract while causing your spine to flex repeatedly. That is not how your abs are wired to work. Essentially, you’re teaching your body movements that are not part of the movement plan.

5. Crunches and sit-ups don’t work to obtain what 99% of those people doing them want from them

Why do you do sit-ups?? To create a flat stomach and a 6-pack … am I correct??

A cosmetic 6-pack comes from having a flat stomach and eliminating excess fat around your midsection. A functional 6-pack comes from great transverse and oblique muscle activity. Not rectus abdominus activity.

Sit-ups, twists and crunches primarily hit your rectus abdominis and, as a result, create a protruding stomach. Try preventing your stomach from protruding when you do a sit up. You can’t! Therefore, your 100 sit-ups/day are encouraging a protruding stomach.

Get YOUR Abs Right

Core Chaos Program - Usable abs

This 3-Part Series on Developing Usable Abs Will Help You Train Your Abs the Right Way

1. Mobility is a Must for Abs

2. Stabilization Everywhere and Often to Obtain Great Abs

3. Ab Training with Every Exercise to Build Super Abs

Create Usable Abs in 28 Days


28-Day Core Chaos Training Manual and Kit

Core Chaos Program - Usable abs


Are you interested in Getting ALL of Dave’s Workouts and Programs?

This includes 28-Day Core Chaos, as well as access to him as your weekly coach.

You may want to consider Joining The Band Gym.


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