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Resistance Band Training makes Exercise Sustainable so YOU Can achieve Fitness Success Following a consistent workout Routine

Exercise is #1 when it comes to helping you build a more resilient body that  Maximize Life’s Opportunities Outside the Gym.  To achieve this goal you need to stay on a consistent joint friendly workout routine that keeps your body feeling and moving it’s best without feeling beat up. 

Keys To Achieving Ageless Sustainable Fitness

How RBT Impacts the Keys to Fitness Sustainability

WHEN YOU'RE READY.... Here are 4 ways I can help YOU start using RBT to Build YOUR Own Sustainable, Joint Friendly Fitness Routine


Email me – Email me to discuss your goals, answer any questions you have on fitness and help you determine where to begin your resistance band  training journey. Click Here to Get Started


Get Access to 101 Band Exercises – These easy to follow exercise videos will teach you how to safely perform 101 Band Exercises as well as provide you with Done-For-You Total Body Workouts you can do Anytime-Anywhere. Click Here to Get All 101 Exercises


Let me Help you Setup Your Own HOME BAND GYM – Having Your Own Home Band Gym will provide you with an Anytime workout solution that will make it easy to stay on track with your weekly workouts. The Home Band Gym Consult will provide you with floor plan recommendations, beginner workouts and “how to get started” coaching modules at ZERO RISK or COMMITMENT. Plus once set up, I am always available to assist you with future training questions as they come up. Click Here to Get Started


Lets take 12-Days to Get You On Your Way with RBT – My 12-Day Beginner Band Training Mini-Course makes it easy to get started training with bands the right way. Each day I coach you through 2 or 3 new band exercises or how to use these exercises to build a simple Anytime-Anywhere Workout. After 12-Days of 1 on 1 email coaching, you will know how to successfully perform 25 Band Strengthening Exercises and 6 Band Workouts that you can use to start building a body that is stronger, feels better, moves better and is on its way to maximizing life outside the gym. Pick Up Your Mini-Course HERE. 

If you need bands, there is also a  Mini-Course Kit that comes with both the course and a recommended band package.

Successful Resistance Band Training Journeys that have Achieved Greater Health, Strength, and Fitness Longevity


 A consistent weekly exercise routine is key to building a resilient, high-performing body that enhances your life outside the gym.  But the reality is, less than 5% of people stick to a regular exercise program. What sets the successful few apart is their ability to create a sustainable exercise routine that is joint-friendly, convenient, versatile, and adaptable to any age.

Resistance Bands are the most sustainable fitness tool and is the most comprehensive band training resource that can help you achieve long-term fitness success. 

The RBT mission is more than just about selling you a band; our ultimate goal is to help you develop a sustainable fitness solution that lets you experience the long term benefits of following a consistent exercise routine for a life-time.

We look forward to working with you soon.

” Dedicated to Helping YOU Get Better and Stay Better with Bands.”

~ Dave ~