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Core-Cardio Contrast Workout

Core-Cardio Contrast Workout
In this video Dave walks you through the Core-Cardio Contrast Workout.

About the Core-Cardio Contrast Workout

Combining free weight resistance with band resistance is a great way to challenge muscles to change. Taking that one step further by using first step cardio drills and core demanding strength drills takes contrast training to another level of strength building results.

This Core-Cardio Contrast Workout will incorporate changes in speed, direction, types of resistance and rep tempo to create the ultimate in contrast training.

Training Recommendations

Program Design

You will begin by performing 2 quick burst cardio drills. Each work interval will last for 20 seconds with a 10-second rest as you transition into the second exercise. Do 12 total sets (6 of each), and then rest for 2 minutes before going to a dumbbell free weight exercise.


Here are the exercises you will be using:

  1. Round 1 – Shuffle Right-Left
  2. Round 2 – Kneeling DB Single Arm Rotational Press Right-Left
  3. Round 3 – Turn & Go Right-Left
  4. Round 4 – Get Up Right-Left

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