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12 RBT-CrossFit Challenge Workouts

RBT-XFit Challenge Workouts
I recently created my own RBT-XFit Challenge Workouts using the XFit program combined with RBT exercises that I know are doable, safe and can be done anywhere by anybody.

RBT-CrossFit Challenge Workout

One of the things CrossFit is known for is their Workout of the Day (WOD) which they post every day. Unfortunately for me at 50+, many of these workouts are not doable due to equipment needs, complexity of exercises or concerns for injury. However, what I do like is how they program their WOD and the challenges that come with these workouts.

Most of these challenge workouts require you to measure or track time, reps or rounds. I am not a guy who enjoys counting during a workout, but in applying some of these set-based principles I have found my workouts to be more enjoyable.

I still enjoy the time-based sets where I have an audible voice telling me when to start and stop, but I have become more intrigued with trying some of these time, rep or round-based sets.

To achieve the CrossFit effect, the key is setting a challenge and measuring an outcome.

What many individuals don’t realize is that you don’t have to do complex barbell, jumping or explosive type movements to accomplish what I will refer to as a CrossFit effect. The key is setting a challenge and measuring an outcome. What exercises used to accomplish that is secondary.

With that in mind, I recently created my own RBT-CrossFit Challenge Workouts using the CrossFit program combined with RBT exercises that I know are doable, safe and can be done anywhere by anybody.

12 RBT-CrossFit Challenge Workouts

Challenge Workout 1

10 Minutes AMRAP

  1.  8 Push Presses
  2.  10 Front Squats
  3.  12 Pull a Parts

Challenge Workout 2

Jack Press Progression
9 Minutes – EMOM (Purple LG or Green XL Band)

  1.  Minutes 1 thru 3 – Strict Shoulder Press (Muscle Press) x 12 Reps
  2.  Minutes 4 thru 6 – Push Press x 12 Reps
  3.  Minutes 7 thru 9 – Jack Press x 12 Reps

Challenge Workout 3

For Time: _____________

  1.  50 Split Squats Left
  2.  40 Muscle Presses
  3.  30 Bent Over Rows
  4.  20 Overhead Triceps Presses
  5.  10 Band Resisted Mt Climbers
  6.  20 Hammer Curls
  7.  30 Band Resisted Push-Ups
  8.  40 Bent-Over Pull a Parts
  9.  50 Split Squats Right

Challenge Workout 4

5 Rounds for Time: _____________

  1.  20 3 Step Backpedals
  2.  10 Lateral Hops Right Towards Attachment
  3.  10 Split Jumps Facing Away from Attachment
  4.  10 Lateral Hops Left Towards Attachment
  5.  20 Skaters Facing Away from Attachment

Challenge Workout 5

For Time: _____________

  1.  50 Push Presses
  2.  50 Drop Squats
  3.  50 High Pulls

Challenge Workout 6

10 Minutes – EMOM  (Every Minute on the Minute)

  1.  Odd Minutes – 20 Bicep Curls
  2.  Even Minutes – 20 Triceps Presses

Challenge Workout 7

21 – 15 – 9 – 5 for Time: _____________

  1.  Assisted Plyo Push-Ups
  2.  Jack High Pulls
  3.  Jack Presses

Challenge Workout 8

21 – 15 – 9 – 5 for Time: _____________

  1.  Squat Rows
  2.  Chest Presses
  3.  Bent Over Rows
  4.  Bent Over Presses
  5.  Bicep Curls
  6.  Triceps Presses

Challenge Workout 9

Squat Challenge

  1. 200 Squats (Using both a 41” Single Band in rack position and 13” Dynamic Stabilizer)

Goal – Under 4 Minutes

Challenge Workout 10

For Time: _______________
Dynamic Stabilizer Attached Above the Knees

  1.  20 2 Step Band Shuffles (Back and Forth is 1 Rep)
  2.  30 Drop Squats
  3.  40 Plank Jacks
  4.  50 Skaters (20 Each leg)
  5.  40 High Knees
  6.  30 Burpees
  7.  20 2 Step Band Shuffles (Back and Forth is 1 Rep)

Challenge Workout 11

21 – 15 – 9 for Time: ________________

  1.  3 Step Shuffles Right
  2.  3 Step Shuffles Left
  3.  3 Step Back Pedals
  4.  3 Step Bear Crawls
  5.  Power Stationary Skips

Challenge Workout 12

For Time: _______________

  1. 100 Band Assisted Pull-Ups
  2. 100 Band Resisted Push-Ups
  3. 100 Seated Rows
  4. 100 Band Push Presses

With any of these challenge workouts, you make the call. If the exercises do not work for you, substitute in a similar exercise that will.

Want the videos that show the exact band setup and exercise instructions for all the RBT-CrossFit Challenge Workouts??

Visit the The Band Gym

Band Gym - RBT-XFit Challenge Workouts

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