Welcome to RBT!

We are so glad that you decided to join the Resistance Band Training community.

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Based on your signup for the RBT Newsletter, we are assuming few things about you:

  • You want to look, feel, and move your best (or help others do the same). Great because we are passionate about empowering people to be the best version of themselves which is why we make sure our actions demonstrate we are here for YOU.
  • You appreciate the knowledgeable and valuable content. We have lots of content to share with you but we will go slow!
  • You don’t always take the road most traveled. That means you appreciate (or are at least curious about the fact that) RBT is a unique, effective, and non-traditional way to workout. I like that thinking and will consider it my responsibility to help you get better with bands.

Sound like you?… Cool

You are definitely in the right place and we are super-passionate and excited about helping you be the best version of you. If along your RBT journey you have a question about exercise, workouts, bands or whatever. Please let us know. We are here to help you.

In the meantime, if you want to get started, check out The RBT Free Resources. There is plenty of information there to keep you busy.

We look forward to your thoughts.

Let’s Get Better with Bands


Dave Schmitz

Founder of Resistancebandtraining.com