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You have made a product that even extremely injured people can use, anywhere at anytime without a high price tag and a coach that answers every email.

Hey Dave,

Just following up on our correspondence about my knee replacements causing some problems during my training sessions. I turned 60 last month, and I am so grateful for your experience as a coach and inventor of RBT.

I was a power lifter in my earlier years that caused most of my injuries and issues.

After emailing you about them and you advising me about several stabilizer band movements that would help me with my glutes which in turn would help with my knee issues did exactly that. My glutes are stronger and my knee issues are gone!

This my friend is very exciting to me, feeling good and being able to train daily is something I thought was gone. I do some contrast training, no more heavy weights. You have made a product that even extremely injured people can use, anywhere at anytime without a high price tag and a coach that answers every email. Unheard of in these days of outsourcing to foreign entities to answer emails.

Thanks for all of your dedication and commitment to your clients. I will be a RBT gym member for life.

Kind Regards,
Chris S.

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