Every breath God gives us is a blessing and I appreciate you sharing part of your breaths with us in the band gym…
Perhaps the greatest part of being a band gym member is the direct access we have to you. Your knowledge of anatomy and the functioning of the body as a whole unit is unmeasurable when it comes to putting together a program that keeps us challenged, motivated, and primed to be active in our 90’s. The ability to ask questions and timely responses directly from you is worth its weight in gold.. Thank you.
Secondly, the way that your programs sorta sneak up on you is amazing. What appears simplistic at first becomes amazingly challenging quickly. I believe this is due to incorporating the entire body to function as it was designed, as a complete instrument, so those stabilizer muscles that never get thought of become extremely important. It’s this simple approach to fitness that makes it easy for the layperson to follow, understand, and stay dedicated to, especially when one feels their body get back in balance and aches and pains ( bad ones) become a thing of the past.
I also appreciate how you consider how to incorporate our ideas like when you said you would try to come up with CrossFit style workouts when I asked you about it. It makes one feel like they belong and let’s be real, everyone wants to be heard.
Finally, I like how you share just enough of your life with us that you feel like an old friend even though we haven’t met in person. It’s truly enjoyable getting your emails, watching some of your posts etc.. If you ever thought about doing a live, follow along workout, I’m in.
Anyway, enjoy the day the Lord has given you, always be thankful, and maintain your humbleness. Thank you for all you do. I understand it’s part of your livelihood but you do seem to enjoy it.
Perhaps Today,
Lee W – Band Gym Member Since 2020