Hey Dave,
Man getting old does suck. My goal was always to stay as strong as possible, unfortunately as you know lifting in the older years can become a chore especially on our joints. At a very young age of 52, I had bilateral knee replacements which lead to several more surgeries due to major complication. 3 year later, several surgeries and 50 lbs heavier, I thought my workout days were over. Then I stumbled upon your site. I saw my chance that just maybe I can do this even though most people with my complications could hardly move, much less exercise. Fast forward 2 years, I think I have just about purchased every one of your programs and now I have joined The Band Gym. It’s great to now have you as my personal coach all the time!! Since starting RBT, I am down 40 lbs with 28 more to go. I may not be able to hit rock bottom on the overhead squat but for me and where I came from, just squatting is awesome. I still have some post pain issues but RBT makes me feel great and I can see progress every week!! I just had x rays taken last month and the replacement looked awesome! RBT is the freaking bomb!! Dave, Thanks for doing what you do, it has been a life-changer for me in so many ways!!!