Hi Dave,
You’ve answered all my questions! I have to say that my band workouts have been more effective than I would have thought possible. My full-body routine takes about an hour to complete, every other day.
I’m 60, and play drums in two local bands. I’ve had rotator cuff repair surgeries on both shoulders – my left shoulder back in 2005, and twice on my right shoulder – first in 2012, and again in 2014. Since then, I’ve had so much pain and fatigue in my right shoulder when playing that I was afraid it was going permanently sideline me… The resistance band training I’ve been doing over the past few months have resulted in a remarkable improvement in flexibility and strength. Four-hour gigs, which used to leave me almost unable to lift my right arm, are now easy for me! No other strength training method I tried ever helped nearly as much…
So, thanks again for your efforts to get band training info to the masses – I’m sure you’ve had a positive effect on more folks than you know 🙂