Last Monday I was headed out to work. Opened the front door and it was raining. I took one step and down I went. The granite steps were coated with ice and the slight rain made them very slick.
All I remember was the violent strike to my hip and then to my left shoulder as I continued to tumble all the way down the 6 steps to the driveway.
I had my gym band bag in one hand and my lunch in the other.
As I laid in a puddle at the bottom of the steps I did a quick feel over for anything that may be broken.
I got up and went into the garage and house to change my clothes. Mary, my wife is a nurse so she also gave me a once over as well.
Back in dry clothes I headed out to the plant.
When I got to the plant I headed up to the gym to get my roller and bands out. I did a 40 min workup to check for any hidden injuries. I did find my ankle was sore but not enough to stop working out.
The next two days the soreness and bruising set in but really nothing compared to the violence of the fall especially being 61 years old.
I attribute the lack of overall injury to my strength and range of movement from doing your workouts with your bands and the roller.
Thanks Dave!
Brian R.
RBT Enthusiasts