My goals with RBT are to be in better shape and more fit. I love lifting weights but I’m 52 years old and the weights beat me up now. I can’t lift as heavy or often with weight training. I was a fan of Lifeline USA cables and still do like them but after picking up some flat bands a few years ago I much prefer the bands to the cables. I’ve been following and watching your videos for about 10 years now and although I’ve seen a couple of people training with bands on the internet now, they don’t compare to the tremendous information and content that I’ve seen you put out. I look forward to working with the bands and some bodyweight exercises thrown into the mix. You are truly the band master and I would like to thank you for all the great info you put out. I’ve been wanting to try the Quantum bands for some time now so here we are, thank you again Mr Dave “The Band Master” Schmitz.
Joseph Vendetti
RBT Enthusiasts