I purchased the Total Fitness Package and I must say, I am seriously impressed! Quantum bands are the highest quality I’ve ever used. I’ve been researching how to train around nagging joint injuries, and as a lifetime martial artist/weight trainer (30 plus years) and my career as a Firefighter/Paramedic, I’ve accumulated quite a few. At 42 years of age, I knew that certain exercises had to be replaced or even jettisoned from my routine. I tried other bands (tubular) and they were just “ok.” It wasn’t until I discovered your website that a whole new way of training was a real possibility for me!
I absolutely love band training with Quantum bands, and they’re 80-90% of how I stay strong and mobile. Combined with a few bodyweight and kettlebell movements, I feel better and stronger than I have in years, and I fully believe that band training will be embraced by most people as they age, especially the aging athlete. I really enjoy your videos and I use them often. Like contrast deadlifts and “big boy curls.” The single band overhead press in the scapular plane is a lifesaver, and I can actually do upright rows with bands and they feel AWESOME! I highly recommend your products and I’m so thankful that I’ve found a way to stay strong and save my joints. Truly AWESOME!
Thanks and God bless.