Hello Dave,
It is hard to believe that COVID has been with us a full year. I believe that bad events often make us better– and there’s no finer example of that than my own experience with RBT. Like many of your Band Gym members, I found your site out of desperation when my gym closed. I had no idea what bands were all about. I always associated them with click-bait articles showing buff supermodels claiming amazing results using cheap tube bands. I’ve never been happier to be wrong!
Your Band Gym has provided a year of learning. Before, I could not imagine training without my gym. Now, I cannot imagine training without my bands. They have not replaced weights or other forms of exercise in my routine. But they have really enhanced my enjoyment of them. They are also preparing my body for years of joyous mobility as I age– something no other form of strength training does as effectively.
I look forward to continuing to learn from your emails and videos. It took something as bad as COVID lockdowns for me to find you. But I’m confident I’ll be enjoying RBT long after COVID is gone.
Michael H
Band Gym Member