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After having not done a single push-up in nearly a year, (because of significant shoulder pain) I decided to give them a try after my band workout yesterday. I rapidly and easily cranked out a set of 30 inclined (feet raised higher than head) push-ups without shoulder pain!

Hi Dave,

I wanted to share a little ‘progress report’. I’m the old guy that had a lot of shoulder pain after rotator cuff surgeries on both shoulders (my right shoulder twice). I have gained so much strength and mobility through full-body band workouts, with emphasis on shoulders, when nothing else produced results.

Prior to starting to workout with bands, I used to do a lot of pushups, but ended up having to stop due to shoulder pain. So, after having not done a single push-up in nearly a year, I decided to give them a try after my band workout yesterday. I rapidly and easily cranked out a set of 30 inclined (feet raised higher than head) push-ups without shoulder pain! I only stopped because I didn’t want to over-do it. I know this probably sounds silly, but it was a great metric for me to see the progress I’ve made using bands!

As always, thanks for all you do, and keep up the good work!

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