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Increase Running Strength – 28-1 Band Exercises that work

Girl Running - Increase Running Strength
A resistance band’s portability, adaptability and versatility makes it convenient for anyone to increase running strength, coordination and balance anywhere, anytime, at any intensity level. Increase running strength with these 28-1 band exercises.

How to Increase Running Strength

Our body was built to be able to perform locomotion. For some that is walking, some crawling and for those that are truly blessed, it’s a variation of running. Regardless of what level you enjoy performing locomotion, the fact is you want to make sure you are able to do it for a very long time so you can enjoy doing all the things in life that require locomotion.

The key is to be able to actually simulate the rhythmical movement mechanics of running while being placed under a resistance. A resistance band’s portability, adaptability and versatility makes it convenient for anyone to increase running strength, coordination and balance anywhere, anytime, at any intensity level.

A resistance band’s portability, adaptability and versatility makes it convenient for “anyone” to increase running strength, coordination and balance anywhere, anytime, at any intensity level.

Attachment Free Exercises to Increase Running Strength

  1. Split Squats
  2. Elevated Single Leg Squats (Bulgarian Squats)
  3. Reverse Lunges
  4. Step Ups
  5. Lunges
  6. Mt Climbers
  7. Walking Mt Climbers
  8. Straight Leg Deadlifts

High Hands will require greater quadriceps strength versus a low reach which will allow the butt to get more involved.

Attached Band Exercises to Increase Running Strength

  1. Split Squats – Away and Towards
  2. Elevated Single Leg Squats (Bulgarian Squats) – Away and Towards
  3. Reverse Lunges – Away and Towards
  4. Step Ups
  5. Step Downs
  6. Lunges
  7. Assisted Lunges
  8. Running Mt Climbers
  9. Assisted Spiderman
  10. Swings
  11. Split Jumps – Away and Towards
  12. Skaters
  13. Side Hops
  14. Skipping
  15. Rhythmical Reaches
  16. High Knees

Exercise Recommendations

  1. To optimize your workout intensity, always have at least 4 different sizes of resistance bands available.

Large Single Band Package - Increase running strength

  1. Master low or no ground contact drills before incorporating a stepping or hopping action.
  2. Work on high reps or 1-minute work sets to increase muscle memory.
  3. There should be no low back stiffness during these exercises.
  4. Make sure you are applying Band Hip Flexibility during your pre-workout routine.
  5. Fast reps should only occur once control and rhythm are mastered.

Best Running Workout Program

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