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Dumbbell vs. Resistance Band Training

The biggest difference between dumbbells and resistance bands is gravity. Dumbbells are controlled by gravity and bands are not. Learn why this is important.

Differences Between Dumbbell & Resistance Band Training

Dumbbell training has its limitations due to it being Gravity Dependent. This is in contrast with resistance band training which is Gravity Independent.

Yes, I know gravity is something we all need to overcome but it’s not the only driver of functional movement. You have momentum, horizontal forces, rotational forces, shear forces, reactive strength, muscle integration, movement coordination, dynamic balance and ground reaction forces that you have to deal with as well.

Dumbbell training, like sandbag training, kettlebell training, and barbell training all train gravity, but do not significantly impact these other components that drive our body’s ability to consistently perform at a high level. Band training versus dumbbell training (aka – free weight training) impacts all of these components of function because bands are not Gravity Dependent.

6 Elements of a Workout that Dumbbell Training Struggles to Effectively Impact

  1. Standing Horizontal Vector Training
  2. Speed and Agility Training
  3. Passive Dynamic Stretching
  4. Anti-Extension, Rotation and Lateral Flexion Core Reactive Training
  5. Multi-plane Strength Training
  6. Rep Speed and Tempo Changes

Watch the video below to learn more!

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