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I could never have gotten into my present (still work in progress vastly improved) shape in a conventional gym.

Congratulations on what you’ve done with the Band Gym. You are providing a fantastic resource!

I started with a ’21 day challenge’ in Spring of 2020 and did the first ever Fit Camp and have continued happily since then.

I could never have gotten into my present (still work in progress vastly improved) shape in a conventional gym. When I’d get back to the weight room I would rapidly gain strength to the point where I was putting too much stress on my shoulders well before I got where I wanted to go—but with bands it’s almost back to how I felt when I started weight training aged 15!

I love the monthly routines you’ve been providing and I’m looking forward to more of your ‘Challenges’ in 2023 (assuming always that I survive the current one and the Christmas pudding).

With best wishes,

Bill S
Band Gym Member

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