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After the IYCA summit almost 8 years ago when you introduced me to adding bands into my program I still have and use most of the original bands at my center everyday. A big thank you!

Good morning Dave,

I hope this email finds you well. After the IYCA summit almost 8 years ago when you introduced me to adding bands into my program I still have and use most of the original bands at my center everyday. A big thank you! If they broke more often I would be buying more or I guess if they broke too much I might need to go somewhere else. So thanks for creating and promoting a great product. I continually revisit your educational materials I have gotten like the IYCA resistance band instructors course, flexibility, and quick kids camp. As you know they are great for everyone. I feel I do a pretty good job keeping them healthy although a couple knucklehead coaches/student athletes don’t follow rules and they wear down faster as you know. I am about to put in another small order in and more before the summer to run larger groups. As always, the growing strength coaches are on a budget. Thank you again for bringing a great product to the industry.

I am looking forward to hearing from you,

Glenn Pfluger
RBT Youth Coach Enthusiasts

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