Hi Dave,
I am definitely for bands. I am now 53 years old and have been training for about 40 years.
I have done almost anything you can think of: barbells and dumbbells, sandbags, kegs, tires, kettlebells, clubbells, bodyweight, and finally bands.
I have competed in powerlifting and bodybuilding, but it was a long time ago 🙂
I was doing bodyweight only workouts already for about 5 years. Lots of pushups, pull-ups, and lunges. I had bought a set of bands to help me progress with pull-ups.
The volume of training had become so high (500 push-ups, 150 pull-ups, and 20 minutes of lunges) that it was very time consuming and the elbows were beginning to ache more and more until I could not do pull-ups without pain.
I thought I could use those bands I had to work out differently, and it worked tremendously. The contraction I get with bands is not matched by anything else.
Workouts are short, very intense, and fun. My condition improved very much, I lost some body fat, I do not feel “beaten” after a workout anymore, and most importantly, the pains are gone.
I train now exclusively with bands for about 4 months, and I love it. Workouts every other day for about 20 minutes. The bands I use the most are the 50, 80 and 100 lbs.
The videos you post in your weekly newsletter are very helpful to set up routines with effective exercises.
Have a great day,
Stephane E.
RBT Enthusiast